Space preservation act hr 2977 pdf

Defined as an exotic weapon in hr 2977, space preservation act of 2001. Kucinich wrote the space preservation act hr 2977 l. Dennis kucinich introduced the space preservation act of 2001. Congress reaffirms the policy expressed in section 102a of the national aeronautics and space act of 1958 42 u. The bill was referred to committee and no futher action ensued. How richmond cas space preservation act resolution can deconstruct the jesuitpopeobama end game and create a positive future. The bill was referred to committee and no further action ensued. Kucinich, chemtrails and hr 2977 the space preservation. Hr 2977, which called for the elimination of exotic weaponry from space. Government and military operations chemtrail planet.

Space preservation act of 2001 1972 rothschild ball. Kucinich, chemtrails and hr 2977 the space preservation act. Chemtrails are being used to prevent global warming a. The resolution was in part a response to the bill and the definitions of weapons intended for space as described in hr 2977, the space preservation act of 2001, introduced by congressman dennis kucinich, which included the following. The space preservation act of 2001 originally introduced in the house by rep.

Space preservation act of 2001 kucinich technologies. Kucinichs efforts mirrored similar attempts made some years earlier by ex astronaut, sen. Germans have admitted on television that they are spraying chemtrails 3. Pdf pdf provides a complete and accurate display of this text. Ojai valley, california toxic skies remains of chemtrails 3 days earlier november 17, 2010 representative kucinich seeks to ban geoengineering with hr 2977. This act may be cited as the space preservation act. Jesuits behind 1979 iranian hostage crisis and 2015 jade helm to destroy us constitution. Berkeley resolution of ban the weaponization of space. The title of the manual chemtrails is printed between the two trails. To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind. Kucinichs hr 2977 names chemtrails as an exotic weapon after years of denial.

Space preservation act of 2001 hr 2977 ih criminal charges swine flu pdf print fill out send web the truth denied. Chemtrails manual available for download skywatchmarl. The space preservation act of 2001 seeks to preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benfit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the united states, and to require the president to take action. The original bill hr 2977 space preservation act of 2001. Kucinichs hr 2977 names chemtrails as an exotic weapon. To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of. Perhaps the most damning part about the space preservation act of 2001 is that, by its own admission, chemtrails would not meet the definition of a spacebased weapon. Chemtrails defined as exotic weapon in space preservation. The new, revised bill, hr 3616, space preservation act of 2002 was introduced january 23, 2002. Rep kucinich rewrites hr 2977 chemtrails disappear.

Hr 2977 space preservation act of 2001 ce399 research. On october 2, 2001 congressman dennis kucinich, ohio introduced h. To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in. Us congressman dennis kucinichs space preservation act 2001 listed chemtrails as an exotic weapons system. Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering aka chemtrails. Wikipedia electronic harassment disinformation article. Space preservation act of 2001 pdf in the event that the link doesnt work or h. Did the space preservation act prove chemtrails existence. Open admission of several theoretical weapon systems. The specific act was hr 2977, the space preservation act of 2001. The air force academy chemtrails manual cover shows a flame from a bunsen burner that appears to be producing two trails. Pdf version space preservation act of 2001 hr 2977 ih 107th congress1st sessionh.

To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the united states, and to require the president to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning spacebased. In 2001, us rep, dennis kucinich introduced hr 2977 space preservation act. Chemtrails are being used to create a projection screen b. A microfilm copy of chemtrails is available through the inter library loan system ill. The concentrated remains of a severaldaylong stratospheric aerosol geoengineering campaign in southern california. Hr 2977 space preservation act of 2001 posted in uncategorized by ce399 on 18062010 107th congress. Department of defense title to a chemistry manual as required study for future pilots enrolled at the us air force academy. The wikipedia entry on chemtrails does mention the kucinich bill, but attempts to discredit the bill by inferring that the bill was.

According to hr 2977, since congress, in section 102a of the national aeronautics and space act of 1958 42 u. The bill clearly states that the term space means the space extending upwards from an altitude greater than 60 kilometres above the surface of the earth. To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in. If chemtrails are merely a figment of imagination by loony, tinfoil hatwearing conspiracy theorists, why are chemtrails mentioned in a congressional bill, hr 2977 space preservation act of 2001. Hr2977space preservation act pdf nrl scientists produce densest artificial ionospheric plasma clouds using haarp. One of the more pervasive myths regarding chemtrails is that 2008 presidential hopeful. Space preservation act of 2001 from psyop to mindwar. Active perturbation of the near earth space environment prof. To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the united states, and to require the president to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning spacebased weapons. To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the united states, and to require the president to take action to adopt and implement a world. The bill stated goals are as follows, to preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the united states, and to require the president to take action to adopt.

Complete hr2977 pdf by antony pudney this act from the us government contains open admissions of the existence of several weapon systems that have, in the mainstream media, been a subject only to be contemplated talking about when discriminating and discrediting socalled conspiracy. Space preservation act of 2001 introduced in the house 107th congress 1st session hr 2977 to preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the united states, and to require the. Space preservation act of 2001 dennis kucinich sponsor. As stated above, congressman dennis kucinich actually tried to curtail the use of electromagnetic radiofrequency technology, which he documented as a land, sea, and spacebased and capable of mood management via radio frequencies, in his space preservation act of 2001 hr 2977, space preservations act of 2001 hr 2977. Hr 2977 space preservation act of 2001 free download as pdf file.

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